It took awhile for me figure out what a PLN was. For some reason, after I watched the video I was under the impression that a PLN was tangible program, like symbaloo (used in the video). But then I realized it is a network of people that I feel will help advance my knowledge of just about any subject. For this class, it will be for technology and education. Since I am very new to this, my PLN will be limited to my instructors, classmates, and assigned C4T. But I can see the benefits of having something like this, and plan to rapidly expand!
This class may be overwhelming and seem to take up much of your attention, but I would encourage you to expand your PLN during this time anyway. BTW you don't need to necessarily segment the PLN into categories, follow who you find interesting. Subscribe to blogs that talk about things you like. A PLN is for personal growth in any area you are interested in.